That spot that you refer no no longer exist. It was always decrasing in size before it was gone meaning there was no absolute size.
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Jupiter does have another red spot there is a little red spot about half the size as the great big spot
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The spot is a devastating wind storm travelling about 300 mph and is about the size of Earth
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3 times the size of earth there is also a little red spot and astronomers believe that the big red spot will eat up the little red spot.
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An adequate simitrailer parking spot is 12 feet wide X 53 feet long.
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The normal size of a parallel parking spot is 1.5 times the length of your car. Average cars 14-16 ft. long.
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Jupiter's Great Red Spot is a massive storm, about 1.3 times the size of Earth in diameter, making it roughly 16,350 kilometers (10,159 miles) wide. It is a high-pressure region in Jupiter's atmosphere that has been raging for centuries.
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Yes, the apparent focal spot size of a rotating anode tube is affected by the speed of the anode rotation. A faster rotation speed can help reduce the effective focal spot size, leading to improved image resolution.
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The size of a parallel parking spot on SC Dot Driving Test is 20 feet long. In addition, the width of the parking space is 9.1 feet.
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The Great Red Spot on Jupiter is about 1.3 times the size of Earth, while Mercury is about 1/3 the size of Earth. So, roughly around 4 Mercurys could fit inside the Great Red Spot if they were aligned perfectly.
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Neptune's great dark spot appears to be a giant cyclone. It is about the same size as the Earth.
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It is approximately the same size as two earths
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the end of your life?
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Jupiter's great storm is called the Great Red Spot. It is a giant anticyclonic storm that has been observed for hundreds of years and is larger than Earth in size.
8 answers
Not necessarily, but it does increase the size of the sweet spot. Hitting the sweet spot does make the ball go farther.
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Drilling out the spot is usually fastest. Use a drill (same size as the spot) with a shallow angle grind and most times you only have to drill thru one pc. of metal. Grinding works but removes a lot of metal. Heating, the spot, is a waste of time.
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About 3 earth's could fit in the anti cyclonic storm.
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probably a pimple.
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Love. Then size or = hitting the right spot, then keeping it up.
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The harddrive is the size of a standard notebook harddrive not a PC size harddrive. So you can not fit it in the smaller spot required for the notebook size harddrive
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If you are referring to the one in Jupiter, it's actually quite large-the size of two or three planets the size of Earth.
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The dimensions of a typical parallel parking spot are 7.9 feet by 20 feet.
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i think that is alopecia.. now search alopecia.. ^_^
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A 0 spot represents no magnetic field and a 1 spot represents a magnetic field on the disk surface. The presence or absence of this magnetic field indicates the binary data being stored.
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The Great Dark Spot on Neptune, similar to Jupiter's Great Red Spot, is a massive storm system on the planet's surface. It is estimated to be about the size of Earth. Therefore, you could fit approximately one Earth inside Neptune's dark spot.
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The relative size of the parking spot is dependent on what it is doing. Parked in a lot follows the standard design rules of 1.0. When at a hub that is totally a different story. it could be 2.0, 3.0 or even more if it is parked on the field of a park.
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Neptune has the windiest atmosphere in our Solar System. it has a huge never ending hurricane called The Great Dark Spot. it is three times the size of the hurricane on Jupiter and nine times the size we get here on earth. it travels at about 1,500 mph (2,400 km/h).
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Hurricanes, which is bascially hot and cold fighting against each creating very strong winds, but that Giant Red Spot is a hurricane about the size of Earth.
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The Great Red Spot on Jupiter takes up about 1 to 2 percent of the planet's surface area.
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If you notice a black spot on your cat's nose, it is important to monitor it for any changes in size, shape, or color. If the spot seems to be growing or causing your cat discomfort, it is best to consult a veterinarian for further evaluation and treatment.
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Start nursing the spot with ice this will cause the welt to shrink and minimize the swelling.
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The Great Red Spot on Jupiter is a very large storm that has been raging for at least 3 to 4 centuries. It is several times the size of Earth and varies in visibility.
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That would be Jupiter. The Great Red Spot is a storm more than twice the size of Earth.
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The finite size of the focal spot results in divergence of the beam beyond the magnified image of the object (creating an area called the penumbra). This is termed focal spot or geometric blurring and results in reduced image resolution. In the absence of magnification (that is, the image is adjacent to the receptor) there is no focal spot blurring.
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The three principal geometric factors that may affect radiographic quality are magnification, distortion, and focal spot blur. Magnification refers to the size change of objects on the image compared to the actual size, distortion occurs when there is a change in the shape of an object on the image, and focal spot blur is caused by the size of the x-ray focal spot affecting image sharpness.
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A smaller focal spot size (around 0.1 mm) is typically used for magnification views in mammography. This helps to improve image sharpness and detail, especially when focusing on smaller areas of interest such as microcalcifications or architectural distortions in breast tissue.
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Cor is the center of the softball. With the different sizes .47 or .44 these are the size of the cor inside the ball. How it affects the ball is the cor is like the sweet spot. You know how a bat has a sweet spot....well a ball has the same thing. The size is important because the bigger (.47) the sweet spot the better chance you have of hitting it and it making solid contact. So a bigger sweet spot is easier to hit and will like make the ball travel rather and faster.
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In some cases it might be possible; if the particular dissimilar metals can be welded by any other means they could also be spot welded. You might need different size electrodes on each side of the joint to get a good spot weld.
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